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Brothers of the 788th House of Alpha
The Sigma Pi Chapter

Established March 2, 1992

Spring 92 - "Mission Impossible"

Mike Hamlin 

Derrick Womack

Ricardo Fleshman

Mike Dates

William Franklin, Jr.

Daryle Dooms

Roy Roberson

Fall 92  - "Legion of Doom"

Ryan Jackson

Thomas (Tom) Clark III

Tony Callands

Tim Scott

John Rodgers, III

Wilbert Steppe III

Spring 93 - "Dynamic Duo"

Jim Adams

Allen Butcher

Spring 99 - "The Golden Pharaohs"

Ira Marshall

Richard Perry, II

Fall 99 - "The Pentagon"

Jonathan Harris

Juma Henson (omega)

Torrey Rush (LU)

Spring 00 - "The Tenacious Two"

William Haith (LU)

Andre Jerry (LU)

Spring 01 - "The Empire Strikes Back"

Michael Whiting

Fall 01 - "Mission Impossible II"

Marcus Washington

Jamaal Crone

Brother Byron Steward 
The Father of Sigma Pi
Sigma Pi's 1st Grad Advisor
(Gamma Nu Lambda Fall 88)

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Spring 03 - "Three Strikes"

Demetrius Kittrell

Milton Johnson, Jr. 

Nick Vaughn

Fall 05 - "Frozen Element"

Marcus Stringer

Mark Patterson

Spring 06 - "The Missing Element"

Eric Thomas

Fall 07 - "Phlawess Knight"

Ryan Holmes

Fall 08 - "World War III"

Gary Wardlaw 

Brandon Carmichael

Limil Hull

Spring 10 - 

Sean Holloway

Spring 12 - 

Tashan Duff

Melvin Brown III

Spring 13 - 

Antonio Davis, Jr.

Jason Giambrone

Cameron Moore

Fall 14 - 

James Coleman, III

Fall 18 - "Phrozen Pharaohs of the Phuture"/"The New Kingdom"

Warren (TJ) Harvey, Jr.

Darian Geddis

Davion Washington, Jr.


Fall 19 - "The Resurrection of Olympus"

Israel Lockamy 

Kobe Anderson

Tyrone Williamson, Jr.

Maxted (Max) Bourne


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Gallery of Choice (Pi) Pics from back in the Day

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